Meet Mrs. Amy Vossenkemper

Mrs. Amy Vossenkemper 

​My journey towards my career is not typical, but God has guided me to a destination that I believe with certainty is exactly where I should be. That place is teaching in Catholic education, kindergarten to be exact. I began at Sacred Heart fifteen years ago; beginning as a Teacher’s Aide and then as a classroom teacher. I have attended numerous conferences, seminars, and workshops, (not to mention my 235 hours of college courses and state certifications) to achieve my professional goals, but I never want to stop learning for the betterment of my students and my school. I am responsible for a classroom full of young eager learners; every day greats me with immeasurable rewards and unforeseen challenges. I want and need to have the knowledge and confidence for my students that when they enter my classroom they will have a patient and enthusiastic teacher who is prepared to help them find their optimum potential. The joy I see in my students’ faces when they learn something new gives me the perseverance needed to not only succeed in my job, but also love my career. 
“Let All That You Do Be Done In Love”, 1 Corinthians 16:14

Mrs. Amy Vossenkemper
Kindergarten Teacher 


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